Thursday, December 13, 2007

I got bashed.

"That is the most disgracefully bigoted blog ...
If you are so intent on being such a racist little man i suggest you remove about 75% of your "friends" who are chinese, jewish or simply not a supporter of your hateful view of people in the world. You can't have it both ways, laugh and pretend you're such a nice funny guy to everyone and its alll just a joke and then try to promote these kind of opinions. It actually remind me so much of the whole one nation "go back to you's own country" crap that you despised so much in Australia. Such small, bitter thinking from someone who I know to be intelligent...I think that makes it so much worse. Malaysia is crumbling because of the racial arrogance of people like you on all sides."
This was the message written to me from a dear friend, (maybe former friend now), clearly written in anger with regards to my previous post 'Blind Racism'. It is the reason I have decided to deleted it.

I sincerely apologize to her and her family. Not to mention all my other readers that found offense. I wrote the entry in anger at the time. And as I read it in retrospect, I was very harsh and unwarranted. While I was trying to be funny about it, I will admit that there was an element of hate. Hate towards two individuals. I have not considered my readers that may not share my views. Arrogant and ignorant, I can be. A character flaw for sure. Once again I say sorry.

Sometimes I think no one reads my blog, so I say "fuck it, I'll just write something just to get a 'rise' out of people". I don't like being perceived as a racist and a bigot. I certainly don't set out to be one. I guess what I've learned is racism is racism no matter how its worded.

For those who know me, you know I'm always just trying to be funny and no i'll intent has ever been my goal. The problem with the written word is that you can't hear the tone of voice, or see facial expressions from the opinion giver. Today, I think I've lost a dear friend and I dont blame her. I do however thank her for kicking me in the butt as I appreciate her feedback and values her opinions.

This experience has thought me a lesson. A lesson that will stay in me forever. I will leave all political and sensitive issues to those other bloggers. I'll keep mine light and breezy from now on.


Anonymous said...

I appreciate the retraction and the apology. Written words, especially on the internet, have huge power to generate hateful feelings beyond the intention of the writer. I think everyone is slightly racist, or at least pro-their own race/religion/agenda to some degree and it's all to easy to let these feelings grow when angry or upset about things happening in the world or in your life....but this is the weakest, least intelligent response to blame a massive group of people for individual actions. It happens all the time and the ripple effect is what causes most of the problems in the world today. It is so easy to blame a faceless group of people for problems, but you'd think twice about saying those things to an individual directly, especially ones you know personally. THINK people.

Anonymous said...

Ozi said sorry?

Damn this world is gonna end soon..!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey what's all this "I'm sorry" crap? If I don't agree with you I don't and in this case I didn't and I simply ignored what you said.... but I respected your right to let off some ocasional "hurt" (it's not as if its a habit with you) and however misconceived. I do not have the right to deny you that...

 Does anyone still use this???   Seriously.....