Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My XBOX 360 just got BANNED!

Its not enough that I've been using Microsoft products since the death of the Apple 2 C and the Commodore 64, way back in the 80s! I have used DOS, WINDOWS, WINDOWS 3.11, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows Millennium, Windows XP and NOW Vista. All of which I have paid good money for mind you. Now you have banned me from playing on XBox Live. DAMN YOU BILL GATES!! As if you are not rich enough.. Microsoft, you cock ass of a company.

Console hackers: beware! Microsoft has officially taken the hard line on hacked consoles connecting to Xbox Live. According to the Xbox's Gamerscore blog, henceforth when a modded console is detected on the Live network, users can expect to have their account auto-banned, and their console permanently disabled from the system. Damn. Granted, we can't really fault Xbox for trying to keep cheating between gamers on the level, but anything that so actively deincentivizes people from toying around with their own hardware is a serious bummer.

Ok ok, yes I modified my console. And yes it facilitates piracy but from Microsoft stand point, haven't you already profited from when I bought the console? Not to mention the fact that I subscribe i.e PAY YOU for the Online Live feature? Microsoft makes a few titles themselves, so I don't think that equates to much of loss in revenue, does it?

I don't really understand this strategy.. if its about piracy, then this doesn't stop it as you are still able to play pirated games. Its just that you can't go online anymore. For most gamers in Asia, going online is not that important. Hell, countries like Indonesia don't even have broadband yet. If anything, Microsoft will lose out in Xbox Live subscriptions.

For me now, I am stuck with the dilemma of waiting to see if the Hackers of the world can find a way around this problem? Or do I swallow my pride and purchase yet another console, this time UN-modified, solely to play a FEW titles and pay full price so that I can play online with my friends?

What ever it is, damn you, bastard Jew bitches! I hope you choke on swallowing all your money!


Unknown said...

AHAHAH.....i know it hurts bro....but DO NOT i repeat DO NOT buy a new sure the guys in taiwan are working round the clock for a solution....they have yet to let us just wait...hahah go play online at adrian's.. hahah

Anonymous said...

WHAT!! there's no broadband in indonesia? Ok, now i don't feel so bad. anyway this is just another way microsoft want to increase their sales of xbox 360, since there is no real reason to buy the 360 elite, well now there is..and that's why i'm not going to buy it....for noww..ah fuck it, let go buy one tomorrow.

Unknown said...

AH yes...come come...all who has a bad taste in their mouths by the mere mention of xbox....get yourself a PS3! wohoo!

Ozi said...

Eh Adam, might as well you take my banned xbox, rather than you waste money buy ps3 to play alone anyway!! at least games will be cheap AND metal gear solid 4 will be out on xbox soon! not to mention resident evil and devil may cry.. bitch! ps3 sux!

 Does anyone still use this???   Seriously.....