Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Mid-Life Crisis?

Some people seem to think that I'm going through a Mid-Life crisis. Why? It seems that now that I'm 31, I should dress and act a certain way. What way? Actually, I myself don't know what Midlife crisis is. And so, I 'Google' it as one does these days. Come to think of it, I think it will be ok to throw out that Britanicca Encyclopedia set at home. Any how, this is the definition:-

A mid-life crisis is an emotional state of doubt and anxiety in which a person becomes uncomfortable with the realization that life is halfway over. It commonly involves reflection on what the individual has done with his or her life up to that point, often with feelings that not enough was accomplished. The individuals experiencing such may feel boredom with their lives, jobs, or their partners, and may feel a strong desire to make changes in these areas. The condition is also called the beginning of individuation, a process of self-actualization that continues on to death. The condition is most common ranging from the ages of 35-50, and affects men and women differently. Mid life crisis last abnout 5-10 years in men and 2-5 years in women, but length may vary in some people.

If I'm going through mid-life crisis, then that means I'm gonna die at the age of 62. Am I going through a crisis? Is that why I dress like a Rapper? Is that why I enjoy Linsey Lohan movies? Is it wrong that I love 80s music? Should I stop looking at photos of the Prom? Do I feel like I've not accomplished anything? Is this the reason I blog? Who actually, honestly, cares about what I have to say about anything? Should I change? What have I realized? Self actualization? Actualize what? Oh God. Should I be depressed? Am I depressing you? Am I depressing myself with all this talk of mid-life bullshit? Or is it that because I talk about and obviously think about it, that it ultimately makes me believe that I am going though a crisis? Paralysis by analysis?

At the end of the day, I say this... If I am going through one, so be it. I think what is important is to live day by day and be happy about the things you have. And be greatful. Anyway, I don't think I'm going through a crisis, I'm too cool to be in crisis.


Kartel Records for Joe Flizzow said...

A person in crisis is not aware he is in one...hence your acknowledge rather pondering as to if you are in a midlife crisis should clearly indicate that you are in fact not in one. Get that?

Anyway 80s music, cartoons, rapper clothes....all materials that make you happy and gives you a sense of self....does it matter which era it should come from? No!

Ozi said...

Thanks Nurin.... your words help me.

Anonymous said...

nuna i think you stole that concept from a movie we saw together...*ahem proof ahem*

but yes abang, 80's music is the shizz and who doesn't love lindsay lohan movies?? if they say no they're in denial! kami rappers yo, forever!!

Anonymous said...

People who created 'mid-life crisis' or 'MLC' are lonely depressed old people who need to drag in more people into their little void of self pity just so they wont feel alone.... hahaha... oh and they drive ferrari cars....guess ure not in 'MLC'.

Ozi said...

eh... i also want a ferrari one day. so how ah?

Anonymous said...

focus on the positive and not on the negative. things usually get bettre. you dont have to conform to thing but yor world view. so you have to know what your world view is, that means know your self,your place in the scheme of things.

 Does anyone still use this???   Seriously.....