After 10 years have passed, 'Bloody Hell' (1996), a movie I starred in during my film school days is now on YouTube.com. Click on this link now,
watch it and rate it FIVE stars. It doesn't matter if you didn't like it. Help us make this famous. With a FIVE star rating, it will get on the honours board (best rated for the day, most watched etc) and make the top 100 - where more new people will see it.
Toxic Waste increases have led to the dead rising from the grave with one purpose, to feast on the living. What starts as a simple backyard attack escalates into a full scale assault on the city. For two local tough guys the epidemic is no big deal, they are too busy putting a dent in a bottle of whiskey to care.
Then their local hotel is infested.
And their favourite bartender is eaten alive.
So they have no alternative but to declare war on the undead. With the help of an axe and a length of piping, the shit is truly going to hit the fan...
taken from http://www.geocities.com/shoddyhorror/
Oh the good times we had making this film. My film school buddies Simon 'Beef' Johnson and Sam Fuller have been the back bone of 'Shoddy Horror Pictures' and I'm proud to say that I have been part of it. Enjoy.
Btw, we made a sequel to this film a 2 years later called Bloody Hell 2 (1998). If people like part one... i'll upload part 2 soon! for more details about all of us and Shoddy Horror Pictures, check out http://www.geocities.com/shoddyhorror/