I know that I'm asking for it when I ask such a rhetorical question. But seriously, why does life seem so damn unfair sometimes? Just look at this picture. This guy is on his power boat yacht surrounded by ridiculously hot, randy, happy, horny, big breasted 'Page-3' models. Oh just cruising' around the Mediterranean, having fun, not a care in the world.
Why oh why?? Damn it. What makes this guy so damn special? Why can't he, be me? What did he have to do to get to where he is? How la? How? Seeing things like this just makes me want to cry sometimes.
OK la... even IF, this guy is not some filthy russian oil billionaire, and this isn't his yacht, even IF, he is just the stupid 'clean-up boy' for the publication that rented this yacht for a photo shot, STILL, what a lucky bastard he is. Bastard. Such a silly silly lucky bastard.
Lastly, to close this entry, the fella looks like he is BORED! So unfair.
I wanna be bored like him...